Welcome! I'm so grateful that you’re here. Through energy we can help heal our lives physically, mentally, and emotionally.

I live with passion and purpose and try to lead with my heart because that's where I believe all the answers are! I’m a flight attendant and energy worker. I’m passionate about many things, starting with my three beautiful children, whom I love deeply. Though they're very much on their own personal journeys, we continue to learn from each other. We are always connected from far and wide!

Being a Scorpio, I love to learn and have an extremely curious mind. I have a calm exterior and a deeply complex and empathetic interior. Part of my journey is learning to balance my analytical mind with my intuition and deep inner knowing. I've had a strong sense of intuition all my life but didn't always trust it. I have had deep realizations where I’ve learned to let go of fear by opening my spiritual heart, which truly allows me to trust my intuition. Meditation is a part of my daily life, as are crystals and essential oils. I feel deeply connected and am grateful to our beautiful Mother Earth for her wisdom and healing.

One passion I can’t resist is travel. I find this planet full of opportunities for learning and new connections. I’ve had the most amazing adventures in life, travelling the world.

Volunteer work is important to me and has been so rewarding for my heart.

2013 brought a lot of change in my personal life. Incredible awareness and shifts deep within lead me to an introduction to what’s referred to as Gold healing®, a profound healing modality made to increase your light frequency, improve healing and much more. I discovered “heart-based” Reiki Tummo™ not long after. It is such a gentle yet deeply healing and cleansing modality. Since 2019, I have been practicing at a personal Mastery level. Reiki Tummo is part of my daily life, but my intention is to share its incredible benefits with everyone.

A new addition to my services is Emerald Revitalization Treatments. Profoundly deep, much like Reiki, using earth’s healing energy with Divine energy, these emeralds are VERY special. With immense gratitude, I offer Reiki Tummo, Gold Light Therapy and now Emerald Revitalization treatments. Reiki and Gold Light Therapy can be done locally in Canmore or by distance anywhere in the world. Emerald treatments are in person only.

If any of this resonates, I would truly be honoured to support you along your healing journey. 💞
